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Matt Damon Quotes

«He admitted Miramax wouldn't make the film with Johnny and that I was their choice. They thought Johnny was too weird and didn't have any box-office clout.»
Author: Matt Damon
«It?s completely ridiculous and totally out of our control, ... It?s like, ?OK, well if it doesn?t work then ultimately you have to claw your way back or not.? You?ll just kind of fade until another works or doesn?t. I mean. It?s really an insecure bizarre profession.»
Author: Matt Damon
«At that time they were thinking of themselves as barbarians, ... Suddenly the Brothers Grimm came along and said, 'No, our history is beautiful, our fairytales are beautiful.' They were influential people who rose to positions of real prominence in society. Jacob became a politician, they were famous collaborators; they lived together with their families until they were old men working together, sharing, like, a little desk.»
Author: Matt Damon
«We just had a three-day junket, and I'll do a few more talk shows in New York,»
Author: Matt Damon
«It's a fairy tale about the guys who wrote fairy tales, through the eyes of Terry Gilliam, ... This film was actually an excuse for Terry to create an entire world. He does this so well with wide-angle lenses. Terry's frames are so densely packed with information that you can't take it all in the first time.»
Author: Matt Damon
«It's no mistake that jazz is kind of a recurring theme in the movie, ... because I think that's what Ripley's doing -- he's riffing, depending on who his partner is.»
Author: Matt Damon
«When I did the first one I only signed up for the first one 'cause I didn't want to be contractually obligated to do more than one if it wasn't a good experience. And, I'd never done an action movie and I was a little leery of the whole thing,»
Author: Matt Damon
«It's a fairy tale about the guys who wrote fairy tales through the eyes of Terry Gilliam. This film was actually an excuse for Terry to create an entire world. He does this so well with wide-angle lenses. Terry's frames are so densely packed with information that you can't take it all in the first time.»
Author: Matt Damon
«I never wanted to do the same kind of movies over and over anyway, so my theory on it all is I'm just gonna try and dodge the label and keep doing what I am doing.»
Author: Matt Damon
«It's usually the exact same three things which are, the Scripts, the Director and the Role those are the three things I look for and really any two of them, If I get two of them that's usually enough, but definitely those are the things I look for.»
Author: Matt Damon

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