Philosophy Essays and Term Papers

Essays 111-120 of 1,356
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in Book II of the Nicomachean Ethics he concludes that "we should lean sometimes in the direction of excess and sometimes in the direction of deficiency, for by doing so we shall most easily attain the mean and goodness." Some would interpret…
do you know who he really is? Nostradamus was a French paranormal in the 16th Century. He is very famous for his ability to see and predict the future. In this article, you will see what he done, and find out that he is NOT a boring person. Some…
to do many different things in life, some in very specific ways. One example, an obvious one, is behavioral conditioning. In an organized society, we are conditioned by outside factors (e.g. parents, government, friends) to act in a certain…
issues that has plagued our society is the idea of ethics versus faith. Simplistically put, shall man live for himself or for a higher being? Man is bestowed with a free will which presents the dilemma of choosing either current selfish happiness…
who should be pitied? Most will argue that the person who was unjustly killed should be pitied, as he is the most miserable. While Polus would agree, Socrates would adamantly refute such an opinion, as he did in Plato's Gorgias. During a discussion…
in the world wants to rule that world. It is human nature to want to be the supreme power without any type of restrictions. To be that supreme ruler you have to do things in a highly unorthodox manner and then do some very questionable things. Most…
kinds of akrasia: impetuosity (propeteia) and weakness (astheneia). The person who is weak goes through a process of reflection and makes a choice; but rather than act in accordance with his reasoned choice, he acts under the influence of a passion.…
worked out a highly articulated theory of theological reasoning. St. Bonaventure, an immediate precursor to Aquinas, had argued that no one could attain to truth unless he philosophizes in the light of faith. Aquinas held that our faith in eternal…
more examples, explanations Plato Vs. Nietzsche: The Nature of Good         Plato and Nietzsche have opposing views on the nature of good. Plato, as demonstrated in the 'The Cave' and 'Apology,' believes that Good is absolute. This means…
of great wealth, beauty, and economy. But was it really a city? Did it ever exist, or was it just another great Greek myth? Some researchers believe that Atlantis was similar to the Garden of Eden - a marvelous and magnificent place, until corruption…
Essays 111-120 of 1,356
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