Controversial Issues Essays and Term Papers

Essays 221-230 of 884
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when a woman decides to have a child. It is considered normal and obvious, even expected, that women want to marry and raise children. But what if a woman decides that motherhood is not a role she wants to pursue? It often then becomes an issue…
Pledge of Allegiance - "under god" - have sparked a firestorm from the schools of California to the halls of the Supreme Court, which will decide next June about the legality of the phrase. In a diverse country with a great variety of religious faiths…
fight broke out just outside of a Brooklyn nightclub. The New York City Police were dispatched to the scene, and several individuals who were involved were arrested and taken to jail. To many, this seems like a daily occurrence—a fight breaks…
sun, piled into the bleachers. Everyone had changed. Their appearance, personality, no one was the same. I remember sitting on the cold wooden bleachers and staring down at the cheerleaders and the band who were placed in the middle of the gymnasium.…
in which members of a minority group live especially because of social, legal, or economic pressure. The game name "Ghettopoly" technically applies to all minority groups, but African Americans are the primary group that is feeling offended. Why should…
A movement has taken hold of our country to change the juvenile justice system, and erase any distinction between young offenders and adult criminals. Almost all fifty states have changed their juvenile justice laws, allowing more youths to be…
arguments for and against graffiti. In this essay, I will try to tackle the various aspects of these arguments, giving proof along the way. My interest in graffiti is purely artistic; I feel this essay may be more biased towards graffiti as an art form,…
I have to work on the streets if I don't I wont have anything to eat and I wont have any place to sleep tonight. These words were spoken to me by a 10 year old Colombian boy. He was very thin and looked as though he were only 6 years old. Unlike…
been a diversity of opinions regarding induced abortion from various religions and countries. To this day, there is no unified agreement within different religions and law authorities concerning the morality of abortion. Looking at abortion throughout…
level of standard in their lives. Food preparation has become easier and they do not consume just local food. Education gives people to learn more about their world and also themselves. Now they know what is better and how they can get it. A very…
Essays 221-230 of 884
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