Asian History Essays and Term Papers

Essays 101-110 of 389
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Category: / History / Asian History
ever, the rape, torture, and murder of hundreds of innocent Vietnamese civilians within a one day period. It was an occurrence, which was initially called a massacre, then tragic and finally nothing more than an incident, which occurred during…
Category: / History / Asian History
many differences and similarities between the Chinese and the Europeans. Some of their differences were social and economical. The Chinese did not see any reason to discover different countries. Even though the Chinese were far more advanced than…
Category: / History / Asian History
Revolution was ideological and strongly political. It was developed by Mao Zedong to combat the reemergence of old patterns of bureaucratic arrogance and careerism, convinced that drastic measures were necessary to prevent the entrenchment of new…
Category: / History / Asian History
named "Yang-Wu Yun-Tung" by the Marxist historians. It is because the movement did not strengthen China and it depended too much on the foreigners. All the reform programmes just imitated the West. In the upcoming paragraphs, we are going to discuss…
Category: / History / Asian History
was one of the greatest political minds of the twentieth century and his principles and actions have inspired countless generations. It is his original ideas, his ability to apply those ideas and their enduring legacy, which makes him an Asian…
Category: / History / Asian History
system of government, a consistent set of religious beliefs and a form of social structure and economy. Evidence, both primary and secondary can be used to prove that these forms of society existed throughout the culture by drawing conclusions through…
Category: / History / Asian History
10, 1911, at Wuchang, the Capital of Hubei Province. The leader of this revolution is Sun Yat-sen, a republican and anti-Qing activist. By the end of November 1911, 15 of the 24 Chinese Provinces declared their independence from the Qing Empire.…
Category: / History / Asian History
is one of the worst atrocities of this century. The occupation has claimed the lives of over 200,000 Timorese people, one-third of the original population. It continues in defiance of the United Nations Security Council which has twice called on Jakarta…
Category: / History / Asian History
County of Guangdong Province, in southern China The county has been renamed Zhongshan in his honor. At age 13 he went to live with an older brother, who had immigrated there as a laborer and become a prosperous merchant, in Hawaii. He…
Category: / History / Asian History
job of creating a united empire. Prior to the Qin Dynasty, the people were not united into on large state, and there were usually much opposition to the emperor, as well as conflicts about who was actually in charge. The first Qin Emperor had all…
Essays 101-110 of 389
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