Research Biographies
FreePaperz is a premier source of biographical information on over 15,000 people, both living and
deceased, from all eras, every field of activity, and all areas, who have influenced and shaped the
world. Constantly updated, our fully searchable online database will be of great help in your studies.
Letter "S"
Spiro Theodore Agnew
Spyros Kyprianou
Sri Ramakrishna
Srinivasa Ramanujan Aiyangar
Ssu-ma Ch'ien
Ssu-ma Hsiang-ju
Ssu-ma kuang
St. John of the Cross
Stan Musial
Stanford White
Stanley Baldwin
Stanley Ben Prusiner
Stanley Kubrick
Stanley Kunitz
Stanley Marcus
Stark Young
Staughton Lynd
Stefan George
Stefan Wolpe
Stella Maraia Sarah Miles Franklin
Stella Walsh
Stephan Lochner
Stéphane Mallarmé
Stephanus Johannes Paulus Kruger
Stephen Arnold Douglas
Stephen Breyer
Spyros Kyprianou
Sri Ramakrishna
Srinivasa Ramanujan Aiyangar
Ssu-ma Ch'ien
Ssu-ma Hsiang-ju
Ssu-ma kuang
St. John of the Cross
Stan Musial
Stanford White
Stanley Baldwin
Stanley Ben Prusiner
Stanley Kubrick
Stanley Kunitz
Stanley Marcus
Stark Young
Staughton Lynd
Stefan George
Stefan Wolpe
Stella Maraia Sarah Miles Franklin
Stella Walsh
Stephan Lochner
Stéphane Mallarmé
Stephanus Johannes Paulus Kruger
Stephen Arnold Douglas
Stephen Breyer