Research Biographies
FreePaperz is a premier source of biographical information on over 15,000 people, both living and
deceased, from all eras, every field of activity, and all areas, who have influenced and shaped the
world. Constantly updated, our fully searchable online database will be of great help in your studies.
Letter "R"
Richard Wagner
Richard Willstätter
Richard Wilson
Richard Wright
Richmond Barthé
Richmond Mayo-Smith
Rick Nelson
Rigoberta Menchú
Ringgold Wilmer Lardner
Rio Branco, Barão do
Rita Frances Dove
Rita Hayworth
Rita Levi-Montalcini
Rita R. Colwell
Ritchie Valens
Roald Amundsen
Roald Dahl
Robert Alexander Schumann
Robert Alexander Watson-Watt, Sir
Robert Alphonso Taft
Robert Altman
Robert and James Adam
Robert Andrews Millikan
Robert Anthony Stone
Robert Archey Woods
Robert Augustus Toombs
Robert Baden-Powell
Robert Baldwin
Robert Ballard
Robert Barnwell Rhett
Richard Willstätter
Richard Wilson
Richard Wright
Richmond Barthé
Richmond Mayo-Smith
Rick Nelson
Rigoberta Menchú
Ringgold Wilmer Lardner
Rio Branco, Barão do
Rita Frances Dove
Rita Hayworth
Rita Levi-Montalcini
Rita R. Colwell
Ritchie Valens
Roald Amundsen
Roald Dahl
Robert Alexander Schumann
Robert Alexander Watson-Watt, Sir
Robert Alphonso Taft
Robert Altman
Robert and James Adam
Robert Andrews Millikan
Robert Anthony Stone
Robert Archey Woods
Robert Augustus Toombs
Robert Baden-Powell
Robert Baldwin
Robert Ballard
Robert Barnwell Rhett