Research Biographies
FreePaperz is a premier source of biographical information on over 15,000 people, both living and
deceased, from all eras, every field of activity, and all areas, who have influenced and shaped the
world. Constantly updated, our fully searchable online database will be of great help in your studies.
Letter "J"
James Patrick Donleavy
James Prescott Joule
James R. Hoffa
James Ramsay MacDonald
James Renwick
James Rodney Schlesinger
James Rowland Angell
James Russell Lowell
James Rutherford Fair, Jr.
James Shaver Woodsworth
James Starley
James Stephens
James Stirling
James Strom Thurmond
James Thomas Farrell
James Thomson
James VanDerZee
James Vincent Forrestal
James Watt
James Weldon Johnson
James Whitcomb Riley
James Wilkinson
James William Fulbright
James Wilson
James Wilson Morrice
James Wolfe
James Zachariah George
Jan Baptista van Helmont
Jan Christian Smuts
James Prescott Joule
James R. Hoffa
James Ramsay MacDonald
James Renwick
James Rodney Schlesinger
James Rowland Angell
James Russell Lowell
James Rutherford Fair, Jr.
James Shaver Woodsworth
James Starley
James Stephens
James Stirling
James Strom Thurmond
James Thomas Farrell
James Thomson
James VanDerZee
James Vincent Forrestal
James Watt
James Weldon Johnson
James Whitcomb Riley
James Wilkinson
James William Fulbright
James Wilson
James Wilson Morrice
James Wolfe
James Zachariah George
Jan Baptista van Helmont
Jan Christian Smuts