Research Biographies
FreePaperz is a premier source of biographical information on over 15,000 people, both living and
deceased, from all eras, every field of activity, and all areas, who have influenced and shaped the
world. Constantly updated, our fully searchable online database will be of great help in your studies.
Letter "J"
Joseph Warren Stilwell
Josephine Baker
Josephine Goldmark
Josephine Shaw Lowell
Josephus Daniels
Josephus Flavius
Joshua Johnston
Joshua Lederberg
Joshua Mqabuko Nkomo
Joshua Reynolds, Sir
Josiah Dwight Whitney
Josiah Gorgas
Josiah Henson
Josiah Holbrook
Josiah Royce
Josiah Strong
Josiah Wedgwood
Josiah Willard Gibbs
Josquin des Prez
Jöurgen Moltmann
Joy Adamson
Joyce Brothers
Joyce Carol Oates
Joycelyn Elders
József Mindszenty, Cardinal
Juan Antonio Lavalleja
Juan Bautista Alberdi
Juan Bautista de Anza
Juan Bosch
Juan Carlos, I
Josephine Baker
Josephine Goldmark
Josephine Shaw Lowell
Josephus Daniels
Josephus Flavius
Joshua Johnston
Joshua Lederberg
Joshua Mqabuko Nkomo
Joshua Reynolds, Sir
Josiah Dwight Whitney
Josiah Gorgas
Josiah Henson
Josiah Holbrook
Josiah Royce
Josiah Strong
Josiah Wedgwood
Josiah Willard Gibbs
Josquin des Prez
Jöurgen Moltmann
Joy Adamson
Joyce Brothers
Joyce Carol Oates
Joycelyn Elders
József Mindszenty, Cardinal
Juan Antonio Lavalleja
Juan Bautista Alberdi
Juan Bautista de Anza
Juan Bosch
Juan Carlos, I