Research Biographies
FreePaperz is a premier source of biographical information on over 15,000 people, both living and
deceased, from all eras, every field of activity, and all areas, who have influenced and shaped the
world. Constantly updated, our fully searchable online database will be of great help in your studies.
Letter "J"
John Hanning Speke
John Harington
John Harold Clapham, Sir
John Harold Johnson
John Harvard
John Harvey Kellogg
John Hawkins, Sir
John Hay
John Haynes Holmes
John Hemphill
John Henry Hobart
John Henry Newman
John Henry Twachtman
John Herschel Glenn, Jr.
John Heyl Vincent
John Hope
John Hope Franklin
John Howard Northrop
John Howard Payne
John Hubley
John Humphrey Noyes
John Hunyadi
John, II
John II
John, III
John Inkster Goodlad
John Ireland
John Irving
John Jacob Astor
John James Audubon
John Harington
John Harold Clapham, Sir
John Harold Johnson
John Harvard
John Harvey Kellogg
John Hawkins, Sir
John Hay
John Haynes Holmes
John Hemphill
John Henry Hobart
John Henry Newman
John Henry Twachtman
John Herschel Glenn, Jr.
John Heyl Vincent
John Hope
John Hope Franklin
John Howard Northrop
John Howard Payne
John Hubley
John Humphrey Noyes
John Hunyadi
John, II
John II
John, III
John Inkster Goodlad
John Ireland
John Irving
John Jacob Astor
John James Audubon