Research Biographies
FreePaperz is a premier source of biographical information on over 15,000 people, both living and
deceased, from all eras, every field of activity, and all areas, who have influenced and shaped the
world. Constantly updated, our fully searchable online database will be of great help in your studies.
Letter "H"
Hans Adolf Krebs, Sir
Hans Albrecht Bethe
Hans Christian Andersen
Hans Christian Oersted
Hans-Dietrich Genscher
Hans Fischer
Hans Geiger
Hans-Georg Gadamer
Hans Hofmann
Hans Holbein, the Younger
Hans J. Morgenthau
Hans Jakob Christoffel von Grimmelshausen
Hans-Jochen Vogel
Hans Küng
Hans Memling
Hans Richter
Hans Sachs
Hans Spemann
Hans Werner Henze
Hanya Holm
Har Gobind Khorana
Harlan Fiske Stone
Harlow Shapley
Harold Adams Innis
Harold Arlen
Harold Clayton Urey
Harold Courlander
Harold Dwight Lasswell
Harold Eliot Varmus
Harold George Nicolson
Hans Albrecht Bethe
Hans Christian Andersen
Hans Christian Oersted
Hans-Dietrich Genscher
Hans Fischer
Hans Geiger
Hans-Georg Gadamer
Hans Hofmann
Hans Holbein, the Younger
Hans J. Morgenthau
Hans Jakob Christoffel von Grimmelshausen
Hans-Jochen Vogel
Hans Küng
Hans Memling
Hans Richter
Hans Sachs
Hans Spemann
Hans Werner Henze
Hanya Holm
Har Gobind Khorana
Harlan Fiske Stone
Harlow Shapley
Harold Adams Innis
Harold Arlen
Harold Clayton Urey
Harold Courlander
Harold Dwight Lasswell
Harold Eliot Varmus
Harold George Nicolson